One can only imagine what childbirth at sea was
like for his mother, Mary (maiden name unknown). Infant mortality and death during childbirth
were not altogether uncommon in the late eighteenth century. Lack of sanitation must certainly have
contributed to the death toll even under the best of circumstances. But what would childbirth on board an
eighteenth-century ship have been like?
available was fresh water? clean cloths?
cloths have been boiled in the ship’s galley kitchen in, say, the middle of the
a midwife available?
not, who would have assisted in the childbirth?
much privacy did a child-bearing woman have in such close quarters?
sanitary was the bedding after a family had been at sea for weeks?
would a new mother launder the baby’s soiled clothing?
infection set in, how would it have been treated?
would the newborn sleep?
addition to the physical and medical aspects of childbirth at sea, there are
questions about the emotional, social, political, and religous aspects of bringing a child into the world.
would a baby’s crying have affected other passengers?
Will was actually Mary’s fourth child.
Would the children’s father (William A. Travis) have attended to their
needs from the time of Will’s mid-Atlantic birth to the arrival of the ship in
the New World?
would the parents have seen to religious practices regarding, say, infant baptism
(which is practiced by Presbyterians, the religion of Will’s parents)?
the fact that sea voyages from the British Isles to America took about three
months in that time period, one also wonders what urgency could have prompted
the parents to set sail when the mother was relatively close to her “lying in”?
was born just two years before the American Revolution, and political tensions
were already high. Would full rights of
citizenship (including what was called “the king’s protection”) have been
extended to British subjects not born on British soil?
questions roll on and on. As a mother
and grandmother myself, I have great respect for Mary Travis, my fifth great-grandmother, and
all the other women who gave birth during their passage to the New World.